Klock Werks Releases FIRST Indian-Only Catalog

Klock Werks Releases FIRST Indian-Only Catalog


Indian riders asked and Klock Werks listened with the recent unveiling of their 2019 Indian-Only Catalog, to be distributed worldwide. 

This catalog takes the timeless inspiration and stylings from the classic heritage of the Indian Motorcycle and combines it with the rich history of the Klock Werks journey with this iconic brand. Inspiring designs and breathtaking photography make this Indian Motorcycle Parts Catalog a have to have for all riders, dealers and enthusiasts.

This catalog takes the timeless inspiration and stylings from the Indian Motorcycle and combines it with the rich history of Klock Werks.

“We are super excited to get this information into the hands of riders and dealers all over the world… their very own full-color catalog of Klock Werks parts for Indians and Indians only,” said Brian Klock, President and Visionary of Klock Werks. “These riders, and their dealers, have been looking for ways to customize their bikes and add to the experience of riding one of the most iconic brands in the industry.”

Klock said this group of enthusiasts are so passionate about their Indian Motorcycles that they consistently ask him, “When are you going to do something for Indians?”

“I see more and more of these great people every year at rallies, on the road and at gas stops all across the country and all they want to know, from me and my team, is when we are going to do something for them – for their bike, their Indian,” he said. “After we did our first Indian build about 5 years ago, people flooded towards our truck at events and inundate our email inboxes back home with that same question.”

The format of the catalog contains 32 full-color pages. A section for each Indian model is divided by a double-page spread which highlights corresponding bikes and the parts that were used to create these iconic customs.


“It has that Rodder’s Journal feel. We have stunning imagery throughout that my team created, anchored by double-page spreads of some of our favorite Indian projects and builds. There is even a section explaining how our ongoing partnership with Polaris and Jack Daniel’s happened and how we came to design a limited edition set of bikes for Jack Daniel’s.”

To get their hands on the Klock Werks Catalog, all that needs to happen is filling out the form on this page to request a catalog, and the Klock Werks team will ship it out immediately.

Click here to request your catalog!